August Moon Manifestation: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
Come with us on the last phase of our August lunar journey as we delve into the difficult, but important process of shadow work and reward yourself with a spicy chocolate dessert full of positive, healing intentions .

Moon Manifestation: Full Moon in Aquarius
A cocktail to help us celebrate how far we have come this lunar cycle, and help us focus through the rest of our manifestations.

Moon Manifestation: Lughnasadh/First Quarter Moon
We are using the beautiful energies of both Lughnasadh and the August first quarter moon to help put action towards attaining the goals we set at the new moon, while weaving extra prosperity magic through a rich and flavorful focaccia that both beginner and seasoned bakers will adore.

Moon Manifestation: New Moon in Leo
Setting our intentions for the new moon in Leo with the help of a quick and easy meal that harnesses the powers of fresh green herbs and vegetables to assist in drawing prosperity into your life.

August 2022 Moon Manifestation: “Let’s Get That Bread”
A look at our upcoming journey through the moon cycle of August and how we to utilize each of the four main phases to draw different facets of prosperity into our lives.