Witchy Holiday Gifting: Infused Salts and Sugars
To start off our homemade holiday miniseries, we are exploring how to infuse our own salt and sugar blends, which make not only a delicious gift, but one that can easily be intentionally charged.

Helpful Techniques: Homemade Stocks
This post we will be diving into the methods of making your own homemade stocks which will help you amplify not only the flavor of your favorite soups, stews, and sauces, but boost your kitchen spellwork.

Midweek Magic: Summer Love Primavera
In this post, we are focusing on how to make time in our busy schedules to nurture our romantic relationships through preparing meals utilizing ingredients that give you that loving feeling. Featured is a recipe for a delightful and simple roasted vegetable primavera to help add a little romantic heat to your week.

Helpful Techniques: Shrubs
How to guide on what shrubs are, how to make them, and what intentions the general recipe of a shrub adds to a dish.

Picnicking The Pagan Way
A quick reference guide on how to set intentions at any summer gathering using commonly found foods.