Picnicking The Pagan Way

The season is upon us, Northern Hemisphere Friends. We’ve made it past the solstice and we are becoming fully entrenched in all that summer has to offer us. The ample sunlight and heat are helping our plants grow, the air is filled with the sounds of laughter and play, and the delicious scents of grilling and bonfires are frequent. We are in prime time for picnics and other outdoor gatherings with friends and family.

There is an immense joy attached to these gatherings, to be sure, however there can also be a measure of anxiety one feels too. Perhaps it may come from the latent worry most of us now carry as we venture back into social settings after nearly 3 years of relative isolation. It can also crop up from the possibility of clashes of ideology that sometimes come with families or friend groups gathering. Whatever the reason, anxieties can run rampant when it comes to these types of get-togethers.

For this reason, it is important to find ways to fortify yourself so you can banish any potential stresses and focus on the enjoyment of the day. Sometimes we just *know* that some drama is probably going to happen and can center and protect ourselves before hand, but what if you are hit suddenly with stress at the event? This got me thinking about what you can do while in the moment to help you refocus and my mind went to food, as it often does when it comes to spellwork. In this case, the foods that you can find at practically any picnic and how you can whip up simple spells in a pinch with them.

Associations for common picnic foods

While every picnic you go to will have dishes unique to that family or friend’s tastes, for the most part, there are some staples that you could bank on being present. Below, I am going to list some that I think are particularly popular, as well as most beneficial when it comes to getting yourself out of any tricky situations that might arise. Beyond that, these foods being so accessible allows you to covertly weave any spellwork, especially if you are not completely comfortable with the entire crowd you are with. Now, I cannot guarantee that these foods will inspire you to go up and bear hug your eccentric uncle, but they might just help you find your joy through the event.

  • Grilled Meats/Vegetables: Most often, the main course of picnic gatherings centers around the grill. The scent of the fire and smoke is alluring and often will bring many a partygoer over to gaze at the grill as items are being cooked upon it. It is this almost primal draw that sets the tone of comradery and togetherness to the event and this energy can be utilized intentionally by eating items cooked this way to promote those same purposes.

  • Ketchup: At the risk of being too polarizing, ketchup has to be the #1 most popular condiment you will find at any picnic. You can draw from the energy between the tomatoes, sugar, and vinegar in this to help amplify a quick protection or warding spell if the need arises. You can also use ketchup on your food to help imbue you with a bit of sweet, bright energy to enhance your enjoyment.

  • Mustard: Another favorite condiment, mustard holds strong potency for any protective workings you might require. You can also utilize it to give yourself a boost of courage if there is a potential for any negative interactions at the event you are attending.

  • Mayonnaise: While it may be not everyone’s preferred topping of choice, mayo’s rather neutral state does allow for many positive blessings to be imbued into it for yourself and your family and friends. You can use it on foods or in cold salads to aid in smoothing over any dramatic situations or to enhance the joyful feeling at the event. Due to the main ingredient being eggs, mayo also is a great addition to any spell workings focused on beginnings or fertility.

  • Green Salad: The simple green salad is a party staple due to it’s ease to put together and highly customizable nature. Add-ins and toppings aside, lettuces are excellent to eat when you feel anxieties rising and want to expel them. They can also be weaved into spellwork to promote peaceful celebrations.

  • Coleslaw: While sometimes customized with different vegetables or dressings, coleslaw in some form is a classic food to find any outdoor gathering. One of the most common blends is red and green cabbage and shredded carrots in a slightly sweet and tangy, mayonnaise-based dressing. While we already discussed how mayo can benefit you, cabbage can be eaten with intention to heighten your intuition to help navigate social situations. It was also a belief in Ancient Egypt that ingesting cabbage helped to hinder drunken behavior, so if you find an issue arising in that capacity, it might be worth a shot to have a scoop of coleslaw at the ready.

  • Pickles: Love them or not, pickles marry the properties of cucumbers, spices, vinegar, and sugar to become a powerhouse of an intentional food. Eat them with intention to cool tensions, brighten the situation, and refresh your body and mind.

  • Melon/ Berries/Fruits: I don’t think I’ve ever been to a picnic that did not offer some sort of cut fruit or fruit based salad. Any fruit is wonderful to use generically to sweeten situations. Melons however, are best eaten when you are looking to lift the mood of the party or refresh perspectives. You can graze on berries intentionally if you find the need to protect yourself quickly or if you are just looking to draw in happiness and success in socializing.

  • Pie: One of quintessential summer picnic desserts, pies are an easy and delicious way to weave spellwork in a pinch. Cherry pies will help you see the beauty around you, as well as attract positive attention and energy towards you. Peach promotes love and fond feelings for those around you when eaten intentionally. Blueberry pie is excellent to fortify you spiritually and mentally and aids in creation of good memories.

  • Lemonade: Lemonade is perhaps the drink that is most synonymous with the summertime. Besides refreshing your body, you can imbibe it to brighten your mood, promote cheerfulness, and celebrate the beauty of friendships.

  • Beer: Almost any picnic I have attended as an adult has had a steady supply of great quality beer, which is a perk of being close friends with brewers and other industry folks. While we eventually will be doing a deep delve on the history and plethora of intentional usages for beer, for this we are mostly focusing on the celebratory aspect of the drink. If you chose to drink, beer can be a valuable spellwork tool to bring cheer to an event, encourage mirthful conversation, and aid in relaxation. As with all alcohol, drinking responsibly is key here.

Finding the joy

I focused a lot in this post on what to do when situations go awry, especially since we all have been going through some very trying time these past few years that have changed the social landscape. I hope, however, that this also serves you well as a primer on how to expand upon the cheer that comes with gatherings of loved ones. It is important to cherish these times and honor yourself by allowing and maximizing enjoyment in your life.

What picnic foods are your favorite, taste wise or intentionally? Do you have any rituals surrounding gatherings or picnics? We would love to hear about them in the comments!


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