Beltane 2023: Through The Fire and The Flames
Warm welcomes to our Beltane celebration, my witchy lovelies! This turn of the Wheel brings us to our second vernal festival which sees us reach the peak of the abundant energy of spring and helps us usher in the upcoming summer season. As the Earth is now fully awakened, it is a time for us to shed any darkness we carry and embrace the light. Beltane also functions as celebration of fertility; either in the biological sense or focused more on giving life to creative endeavors.
Tending To Your Inner Flame
“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” -Ferdinand Foch
The word Beltane loosely translates to “bright fire” and festivities around this sabbat often feature lighting bonfires or some other type of flame work as part of your ritual practice. Fire as an element symbolizes upward movement and action and is used intentionally for cleansing, transformation, igniting passions, instilling strength, motivation, and energizing.
While we are working closely with the element of fire, now is a great opportunity to take some time to focus on our “inner flame”. This metaphorical fire inside of us all is very important to tend to because it ties into what drives us as a human being; our goals, aspirations, and desires. One of my go to rituals at Beltane is to do a personal audit on where I stand with my inner self. I take like to take advantage of the cleansing energies of this fiery sabbat to really dig deep into who I am at this moment, as well as forging pathways towards directions I want my life to go to. This type of personal work can help you move forward into the rest of the year with far more clarity and overall fulfillment. Below are some examples of questions you can ask yourself, either aloud or through journaling, to get a better grasp of where you are at this moment and what areas to work on next.
What are things I do in my daily life that spark joy? Do I do them enough? If not, why?
What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of this year? Have I made progress on them? If not, what do think is holding me back?
Do the goals I have set still fit my greatest good? Do they need to be readjusted to better fit who I am now?
What do I desire most out of my life at this moment? What steps can I make these desires a reality?
What are three accomplishments or attributes I am most proud of? How do I see myself when I think about them?
Who inspires me most? What about them do I find most inspiring and what lessons can I learn from them?
What am I most grateful for at this point in my life?
Food and Drink For Your Beltane Table
Our Fire and Ice Mojito is the perfect way to refresh and unwind during Beltane.
As with all sabbats, Beltane is a wonderful time to gather together and enjoy a meal with loved ones. Even if you aren’t able to find the time to prepare a grand feast, there is nothing stopping you from incorporating some Beltane magick into your weeknight meal to make it special.
Bannocks or oatcakes are one of the most traditional offerings for this sabbat. It is also common to see roasted meats (preferably roasted over a fire) as well as baked items, such as scones and sweet breads. Dairy products are also considered highly sacred during this festival and make a perfect offering to honor the Fae.
When planning your Beltane menu, if you are so inclined, you can include foods that hold energy for romance, sexuality, and fertility, such as cherries, avocado, banana, fresh berries, rhubarb, summer squashes, rice, chocolate, honey, walnuts, and vanilla. Being a sabbat that is associated with fire, you can also utilize foods like chili peppers, cinnamon, horseradish, and ginger to capitalize on this element.
Beautifully green spring vegetables and herbs are also completely on brand for Beltane, so feel free to use them in recipes; Try adding asparagus, green peas, green onions, spinach, artichokes, mint, parsley, dill, or chives to your dishes to help you capture the spirit of the season.
Below you will find a couple of our favorite Beltane recipes to get you started, but we hope that whatever you decide to make to celebrate this sabbat, that you find joy in every moment of it!

Lemon Mascarpone Risotto with Asparagus
- 12 oz arborio rice *see note (abundance, nourishment, fertility)
- 1 shallot, chopped finely (cleansing, protection)
- 2 Tbsp avocado oil (love, beauty, health)
- 1 Tbsp unsalted butter (divine goddess energy, prosperity, love)
- 8 oz white wine *see note (celebration, romantic love, abundance)
- 32 oz chicken or vegetable stock (health/healing, prosperity)
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice (purification, happiness, clarity)
- 16 oz asparagus, cut into small sections (desire, fertility, health)
- 4 oz mascarpone cheese (Fae energy/offerings, nurturing, love)
- 3 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese (love, success, happiness)
- 3 Tbsp fresh dill (prosperity, luck, protection)
- Zest of 1 lemon (happiness, energy, cleansing)
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- In a large pot, gently heat your stock of choice, cut asparagus and lemon juice and bring just to simmer. Once simmering, reduce the heat to its lowest setting to allow to stock mixture to remain warm.
- In a large saute pan, place the oil and butter over medium low heat and add in your rice and shallots. Stir to fully coat the rice in the oil and cook for 3-4 minutes to soften the shallot.
- Add in the wine and cook for another 3-4 minutes or until the wine has completely reduced.
- Bring the heat down to low on the saute pan and begin adding in the warmed stock, one ladle full at a time, stirring the rice often until the stock has been completely absorbed and the rice looks dry.
- Repeat this process until all of the stock has been added; this will take approximately 20-25 minutes.The rice should at this point look creamy, but should still have a slight bite left to it. If the rice is still not fully cooked though after adding all of the stock, you may add small amounts of warm water to finish the cooking process.
- Turn off the heat and stir in the mascarpone and parmesan cheeses, as well as the fresh dill and salt and pepper to taste. Finish with lemon zest and enjoy!
- Arborio rice is a short grained rice that is recommended highly for risotto. You can find it in any larger supermarket and most smaller grocery stores as well.
- You can use any white wine you enjoy drinking, however we do recommend a dry white as opposed to a sweet for this dish.

Fire and Ice Mojito
- 1 1/2 oz Rum (prosperity, creativity)
- 1/2 oz Lime Juice (cleansing, re-energizing)
- 1/2 oz Chili Syrup *see recipe below
- 5-7 Fresh Mint Leaves (mental clarity, increasing action)
- 1/8 (2 wedges) Fresh Lime
- Club soda (to fill)
- Ice
- 100g granulated sugar (attraction/manifestation)
- 100g water (purification, renewal)
- 1g dried red chili flakes (protection, action, passion/lust)
- In a small saucepan or pot over low heat, stir together your sugar, water, and chili flakes until the sugar is dissolved.
- Heat the mixture until it just reaches a simmer and remove from the heat.
- Allow to infuse and cool completely before using. This syrup will keep in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.
- In a tall glass, place the lime juice, mint leaves, lime wedges, and syrup. Using a muddler, crush the ingredients thoroughly.
- Add in the ice, rum and club soda and stir to combine. Garnish with a lime wedge, fresh mint, and a slice of chili and enjoy!