Ostara 2024: Phoenix Rising
In this post, we are focusing on the cycle of death and rebirth and how this can be translated into our lives in the form of a metaphysical overhaul using the energies for renewal and growth
that Ostara brings with it to help guide us.

Beltane 2023: Through The Fire and The Flames
Come join us as we celebrate the spring festival of Beltane; a time perfect for tending to our own inner flames and reveling in passion and fertility in all of its forms.

Ostara 2023: The Power Of The Egg
For our final Ostara post, we are focusing on the potent magic of the humble egg and how you can utilize their energies all year round.

Ostara 2023: Fresh Herb and Cheese Brioche Rolls
Packed with fresh herbs and tangy cheeses, these freshly baked buttery brioche rolls are the perfect way to accent your breakfast, brunch, or dinner table this spring!

Ostara 2023: Springing Into Action
Ostara is the season of rebirth and renewal; making this a perfect time to tap into these powerful energies to chase our dreams and set solid goals to become our best selves.

Out With The Old and In With The New: Imbolc 2023
For this year’s Imbolc celebration, we are exploring how to embrace this season of change with the help of the goddess Brigid and honoring her with a twist on a classic pancake.

Walking With The Light and Dark: Yule 2022
This Yule, we are looking at the duality of the light and the dark and how to embrace and confront these elements in our lives, as well as some handy ways to connect with your spirituality in stress-free ways!

Looking Beyond The Veil: Samhain 2022
We delve into this years Samhain and use a ritual to draw from the energies of the thinning of the veil to call upon our beloved ancestors to guide us down the path to our best selves.

Midweek Magic: Honey Lemon Roasted Chicken
For this installment of Midweek Magic, we are taking the humble roast chicken to new heights by using it to help us weave spellwork intent for happiness, protection, and cleansing.

Warming Fall Curry
Our main dish for this year’s equinox celebration is a warm, comforting, and hearty slow cooker curry that is filled with the scents and flavors of the fall season.

Mabon 2022: Harvesting Gratitude
For our Mabon ritual this year, we are focusing on the aspect of gratitude and what it truly means to us spiritually and magickally.

Litha 2022: Smokey Sweet Potato and Toasted Onion Hummus
A luxuriously silky hummus featuring the complex flavors of roasted sweet potato, savory toasted red onion, nutty tahini, and smoked paprika which all perfectly align to assist us in achieving breakthroughs this Litha.

Litha 2022: “Spice Up Your Life” Roasted Pepper Spread.
A vibrant and rich roasted pepper spread that captures the fiery element of Litha in every bite!