Earth Day 2023: Divine Rainbow Smoothie Bowl
Throughout this Earth Day exploration we have been on, we’ve seen how food can help nourish, connect, and bring us closer together as a global community. Now, as we reach the peak of our journey, it is a great time to shift our focus and see how food can renew and strengthen our connection with our bodies and our inner power.
Harnessing The Power of The Rainbow
There is an old saying that we eat with our eyes first and I am a firm believer that this is true. Psychologically, we are drawn to foods that are visually striking to us because it indicates that that there is a better chance that the food will appeal to us in taste as well. Color is a large part of what draws us in to trying different food and each category of colors has its own specific nutritional and intentional benefit to us. Let’s take a quick look at what each color of the rainbow of foods has to offer.
Red: Often seen as a passionate color, red foods hold domain over matters of the heart, in both the nutritional sense as well as intentionally. Red hued fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, beets, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries feature antioxidants that are important for fighting against heart diseases, hypertension, and high cholesterol. In a magical sense, try adding more of these crimson ingredients to your diet when you are in need of a boost to strength and courage or alternatively, when you are working any love or sex magic.
Orange/Yellow: Bright and cheerful, orange and yellow foods like oranges, pineapples, bell peppers, carrots, lemons, peaches, and corn help to inspire creativity, joy, heightened sight and confidence. These are also beneficial to enjoy when you need extra focus for studying, dealing with matters of logic or intelligence, or improving your memory. On the nutritional side, this group helps to improve your eyesight, as well as protecting your immune and nervous systems.
Green: Being the color that is most often associated with health, green foods hold many nutrients that are extremely important for our bodies well-being; Dark leafy greens, broccoli, avocado, cabbage, zucchini, grapes, and limes are among just a few that you can choose from. Adding more of this color group to your daily cooking routine can aid digestion, lower bad cholesterol, and even help to fight off certain forms of cancer. Magically, green foods are perfect to utilize when performing money spellwork or to supercharge personal healing, self improvement, and fertility.
Blue/Purple: If you are in need of calming energy, enjoying some blueberries, purple grapes, plums, eggplant, blackberries or other blue and purple foods might just do the trick . Beyond that, they can be useful in assisting those who have trouble communicating their needs and feelings or when you want to tap into deeper reserves of wisdom or psychic power. Equally beneficial for your body, a diet rich in these foods can help preserve your memory, support urinary tract health, and lessen your chances of having a stroke.
You Are The Magic
Many times, it is easy to forget in the midst of the trials that life presents, that within each of us lies a spark of divinity; a blessing of the God and Goddess that is bestowed upon us all. It is from this spark where we derive our magic and no matter what, this energy we possess is eternal.
Using this knowledge, paired with the color magic from above, you can create all sorts of intentional recipes to help reawaken that divine spirit within you, when you feel the need. Through reconnecting with your own power, you can better connect with our mother planet, as well as draw more of the peace, joy and confidence you deserve into your life.
Recipe: Divine Rainbow Smoothie Bowl

Divine Rainbow Smoothie Bowl
- 1 cup frozen pineapple (self growth, success, joy)
- 1 large ripe banana (energize the spirit, boost self love)
- 1/2 large ripe avocado (vitality, beauty, loving energy)
- 2 cups baby spinach (personal strength, clarity of thought and sight)
- 1 Tbsp fresh ginger root (increase well-being and stamina)
- 3 Tbsp lime juice (revitalize self and renew zest for life)
- 13.5 oz can coconut milk (self confidence, protective energy)
- 1 Tbsp chia seeds (boost energy, encourage youthful vitality)
- 1 Tbsp matcha powder (connection with the natural world, calming)
- 2 Tbsp agave syrup (nurturing, healing)
- 1 Tbsp blue spirulina powder (optional) (increase energy and promote healing)
- Assorted berries, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, edible flowers, or other toppings of your choosing
- Place frozen pineapple, banana, avocado, spinach, coconut milk, matcha powder, chia seeds, ginger root, lime juice, and agave syrup into a blender and blend until all ingredients are fully combined and the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.
- Pour mixture into a large bowl or two smaller bowls and smooth top with the back of a spoon.
- If opting to include the spirulina, reserve 1/4 of the smoothie mixture in the blender and add the spirulina and blend again until incorporated. Spoon small dots of the blue smoothie mixture over the green and swirl together.
- Decorate with as many desired toppings as you'd like and enjoy!