Feasting With Our Ancestors
Throughout this post, we explore how you can expand upon your ancestor work via your daily cooking routines, as well as honor our own passed love one and share one of her most cherished recipes.

Totally Baked: Carrot Ginger Muffins with Cream Cheese Filling
Reminiscent of carrot cake, these muffins are the perfect recipe to make when you are in a situation where you could use a boost to clear sight and strength.

Ostara 2023: Fresh Herb and Cheese Brioche Rolls
Packed with fresh herbs and tangy cheeses, these freshly baked buttery brioche rolls are the perfect way to accent your breakfast, brunch, or dinner table this spring!

Totally Baked: Irish Raisin Scones with Homemade Citrus Faerie Butter
These rich, moist and delicious scones are a riff on the classic flavors of Irish Soda Bread and feature plump tea soaked golden raisins .Paired with our easy homemade citrus-kissed sweet butter spread, this is a perfect recipe to help bring you success, abundance, and prosperity this season!

Celebrating Love In All Its Forms: Palentine’s Day
We always say that our friends are our chosen family and to honor this, we are excited to celebrate Palentine’s Day by enjoying a fabulous gluten free feast, with the help of a great friend and guest author, Jessica Sheaves!

August Moon Manifestation: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
Come with us on the last phase of our August lunar journey as we delve into the difficult, but important process of shadow work and reward yourself with a spicy chocolate dessert full of positive, healing intentions .

Totally Baked: Cherry Almond Crisp
A delicious, crowd pleasing, and comforting crisp that will help you fortify and clear your head and heart for the next steps on the journey ahead of you.